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Institut für Computerlinguistik

Dr. Elisa Pellegrino

Elisa Pellegrino, Dr.

  • (Senior) Academic associate
  • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
  • Centre for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics
AND 2.36


  • 2006: Specialization in L2 Italian Acquisition and Teaching, University of Naples L'Orientale.

  • 2010: Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Naples L'Orientale (Topic: First and Second Language Acquisition from the Biolinguistic Perspective (supervised by A. De Meo and C. Vallini).


  • from June 2024: Permanent position as Academic Associate in Phonetics and Speech Sciences at the Department of Computational Linguistics.
  • 2022-2024: Senior researcher in Phonetics – NCCR Evolving Language, Workpackage. Accommodation. 
  • 2021-2022 : Post-doc in Phonetics – NCCR Evolving Language, Workpackage. Accommodation
  • 2018-2020: Post-doc in Phonetics and Coordinator of the Research Group on Accommodation and Social Categorization – URPP Language and Space (Research Project: Rhythmic accommodation between Swiss German dialects)
  • 2016-2018: Post-doc in Phonetics, Phonetics Lab, University of Zurich (Research areas: Suprasegmental characteristics of L2 and elderly speech)
  • 2012-2016: Post-doc in Phonetics and Linguistics, University of Naples 'L'Orientale' (Research Project: Acoustic correlates of foreign-accented Italian).


  • 2017- : Computational Processing of Speech Rhythm for Language and Speaker  Classification, University of Naples' L'Orientale'.
  • 2012-1016: General Linguistics, Multilingualism and Language Acquisition, Modern Languages Teaching at the University of Naples L'Orientale (Italy).
  • 2011-2015: Interlanguage Analysis for Specializing Courses and Second Level Master at the University of Naples L'Orientale (Italy)
  • 2009-2016: Italian language and culture at different Italian University Language centers.

 Research interests

I am currently examining the phenomenon of phonetic convergence in relation to voice individuality and speaker recognition dynamics. In addition, I have worked extensively on the production and perception of speech temporal characteristics, focusing on between-language rhythmic variability, second language speech, age-related changes, and pathological speech. I have also researched the effect of bilingualism and biliteracy on developing literacy-related skills in a second language and tested the use of CAPT systems in the acquisition of L2 prosody. 



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Horizon MSCA Awarded Link


Pellegrino, E. 2024. After Self-Imitation Prosodic Training L2 Learners Converge Prosodically to the Native Speakers. Languages 9: 33. 

Pellegrino, E., Asadi, H., Dellwo V. 2023. Voice Discrimination across speaking styles in Persian. Proceedings of the 20th  International Conference of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, 7-11 August. Paper ID 952. 2023.

Pellegrino, E., & Dellwo, V. 2023. Speakers are more cooperative and less individual when interacting in larger group sizes. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
