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M/Y | Event | Title | Type |
11/2016 |
5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan Honolulu, Hawaii, USA |
Mapping vowel categories at high fundamental frequencies using multidimensional scaling of cochlea-scaled spectra |
Poster |
04/2016 |
Martigny, Switzerland |
Who says we need formants for vowel recognition? |
Invited Talk |
11/2015 |
Speech Science Forum (SSF) University College London, UK |
Beyond formants: how vowel identity is maintained at fundamental frequencies above 500 Hz |
Invited Talk |
11/2015 |
Michaelmas Term 2015 P&P Cluster Seminar University of Cambridge, UK |
Why high-pitched voices may lead to a better understanding of vowel perception | Invited Talk |
8/2015 |
18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences [ICPhS 2015] Glasgow, Scotland |
Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in word context | Poster |
5/2015 |
Spring 2015 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA |
What happens if men, women, and children produce vowels on different and on similar F0? | Poster |
10/2014 |
Konstanz, Germany |
How stress-deaf are French compared to German listeners really? | Talk |
10/2014 |
Konstanz, Germany |
Vowel identification at high fundamental frequencies in the context of minimal pairs | Poster |
9/2014 |
15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association [Interspeech 2014] Singapore |
Intelligibility of high-pitched vowel sounds in the singing and speaking of a female Cantonese Opera singer | Show and Tell |
5/2014 |
Spring 2014 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Providence, RI, USA |
Vowel discrimination at high fundamental frequencies in real speech | Poster |
2/2014 |
Linguistischer Nachmittag of the Zurich Center for Linguistics [ZüKL] Zurich, Switzerland |
Acoustic analysis of vowel sounds: a new methodological approach | Poster |
10/2013 |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Acoustic analysis of vowel sounds including extensive variation of fundamental frequency | Talk |
10/2013 |
Zurich, Switzerland |
Acoustic characteristics of voice in music and straight theatre: conceptions and questions | Poster |
7/2013 |
19th International Congress of Linguists Geneva, Switzerland |
Perception of French accentuation by Swiss German and Standard German speakers | Talk |
5/2012 |
Speech Prosody 2012, 6th International Conference Shanghai, China |
Variability of speech rhythm in synchronous speech | Poster |
4/2012 |
Workshop 'Research on Prosody in Switzerland' [SWIP 2012] Zurich, Switzerland |
The relevance of changing speech rhythm for forensic speaker identification | Poster |