Stephan Schmid, Prof. Dr.
- Senior academic associate
- Tel.
- +41 (0)44 63 43001
- Anschrift
- Universität Zürich, Phonetisches Laboratorium, Rämistrasse 71, KOL-H-318, CH-8006 Zürich
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– Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Phonetischen Laboratorium, (mit)verantwortlich für die Organisation des Lehrangebots, die Bibliothek und die Vertretung des Fachs
– Lehrbeauftragter (Phonetik und Phonologie)
– Titularprofessor für Italienische Sprachwissenschaft
Publikationsliste (PDF, 267 KB) als pdf
Fonetica e fonologia dell'italiano. Torino, Paravia (1999)
L'italiano degli spagnoli. Interlingue di immigrati nella Svizzera tedesca. Milano, Franco Angeli (1994)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
1. Swiss German dialects spoken by second-generation immigrants: bilingual speech and dialect transformation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural development.
DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1730386
2. (mit Bob Ladd) Obstruent voicing effects on F0, but without voicing: Phonetic correlates of Swiss German lenis, fortis, and aspirated stops. Journal of Phonetics 71 (2018): 109-126.
3. Palatal and postalveoalar obstruents in six Italo- and Rhaeto-Romance varieties: phonemic merger or retention? In: Daniel Recasens & Fernando Sánchez Miret (eds.), Production and Perception Mechanisms of Sound Change (2018). Munich, LINCOM: 91-110.
4. Segmental Phonology. In: Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Oxford, Oxford University Press (2016): 471-483.
5. Syllable typology and the rhythm class hypothesis: Evidence form Italo-Romance dialects. In: Javier Caro Reina & Renata Sczcepaniak (eds.), Syllable and Word Languages (2014). Berlin, Mouton de Guyter: 421-454.
6. The pronunciation of voiced obstruents in L2 French: a preliminary study on Swiss German learners. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 48 (2012): 627-659.
7. Pour une sociophonétique des ethnolectes suisses allemands. Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique 53 (2011): 90-106
8. (mit Jürg Fleischer) Zurich German. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 36 (2006): 243-255
9. Code-switching and Italian abroad. Reflections on language contact and bilingual mixture. Italian Journal of Linguistics/Rivista di linguistica 17.1 (2005): 113-155
10. The Naturalness Differential Hypothesis: Cross-linguistic Influence and Universal Preferences in Interlanguage Phonology and Morphology. Folia linguistica 31 (1997): 331-34