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Between January 2021 and October 2024, I was a PhD student in the Computational Neuroscience of Speech and Hearing group.
In my doctoral thesis, Exploring cognitive decline through the aging ear with natural speech-based computational neurophysiology, I investigated how the brains of older participants process speech in hearing loss and whether the neurophysiological markers used have predictive potential for cognitive decline. My thesis is published on ZORA. I am passionate about all things related to state-of-the-art data science, neuroscience and psychology. And I have enjoyed working with study participants and supervising student theses. I was also a fellow of The International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE IMPRS).
You can find my publications listed on Google Scholar and the code I developed for my projects in my GitHub account.
I hold a Master of Science in Psychology with a focus on Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Zurich. During my Master's studies, I conducted research in the domain of Cognitive Neuroscience of the Bodily Self under the supervision of Bigna Lenggenhager, specifically on the topic of virtual gender swap and auditory self-awareness from a first- versus third-person perspective.