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About me: I am a PhD student at the University of Zurich, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nathalie Giroud. Coming from a background of psychology, with a focus on cognitive neuroscience, I am interested in human auditory communication and its underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms. Further affiliations of mine include a fellowship at theMax Planck LIFE Program and a membership in the EU COST ActionMultipleye.
Main Project: I am pursueing a large-scale research project in the context of an industry collaboration with the hearing aid provider Sonova Holding AG, labeled "Benefits of auditory-cognitive trainings for hearing rehabilitation and cognitive functioning in older hearing impaired individuals". The project involves the co-development of an accessible mHealth intervention, as well as the evaluation of its efficacy and potential impact on sensory, cognitive, and neural dimensions related to speech perception and processing.
Extracurricular Project: In addition to my primary PhD project, I have developed a python-based standardized test battery for the assessment of working memory capacity. In collaboration with members of the European COST action Multipleyewe are approaching the final steps towards publishing the test battery in an open-access and open-source format, with a total of more than 9 different languages to choose from.