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Rinaldi, Fabio
Rinaldi, Fabio; Schneider, G; Kaljurand, K; Hess, M; Andronis, C; Persidis, A (2005). Relation mining over a corpus of scientific literature. In: 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2005, Aberdeen, Scotland, 23 July 2005 - 27 July 2005, 535-544.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Yuste, E; Schneider, G; Hess, M; Roussel, D (2005). Exploiting technical terminology for knowledge management. In: Ontology Learning from Text: Methods, Evaluation and Applications, Amsterdam: IOS Press (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, edited by J. Breuker et al., volume 123), 2005 - 2005, 140-154.
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Klenner, M (2004). Tutorial Dialogue in DiBEx. In: InSTIL/ICALL Symposium 2004, NLP and Speech Technologies in Advanced Language Learning Systems, Venice, Italy, June 2004 - June 2004, 161-164.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Schneider, G; Kaljurand, K; Dowdall, J; Andronis, C; Persidis, A; Konstanti, O (2004). Mining relations in the GENIA corpus. In: Second European Workshop on Data Mining and Text Mining for Bioinformatics, Pisa, Italy, September 2004 - September 2004, 61-68.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Schneider, G (2004). Answering questions in the genomics domain. In: ACL-2004 workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, Barcelona, Spain., July 2004 - July 2004, 46-53.
Schneider, G; Rinaldi, Fabio; Kaljurand, K; Hess, M (2004). Steps towards a GENIA dependency treebank. In: Third Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) 2004, Tübingen, Germany, 2004 - 2004, 137-149.
Spiliopoulou, M; Rinaldi, Fabio; Black, B; Zarri, G P; Mueller, R M; Brunzel, M; Theodoulidis, B; Orphanos, G; Hess, M; Dowdall, J; McNaught, J; King, M; Persidis, A; Bernard, L (2004). Coupling information extraction and data mining for ontology learning in PARMENIDES. In: RIAO'2004, Avignon, France, April 2004 - April 2004, 156-169.
Dowdall, J; Rinaldi, Fabio; Imbekwe-SanJuan, F; SanJuan, E (2003). Complex structuring of term variants for Question Answering. In: MultiWord Expressions: Analysis, Acquisition and Treratment. Workshop at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL-03, Sapporo, Japan, July 2003 - July 2003, 1-8.
Mollà Aliod, D; Schwitter, R; Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M (2003). Anaphora resolution in ExtrAns. In: International Symposium on Reference Resolution and Its Applications to Question Answering and Summarization, Venice, Italy, June 2003 - June 2003, 67-74.
Mollà Aliod, D; Rinaldi, Fabio; Schwitter, R; Dowdall, J; Hess, M (2003). NLP for answer extraction in technical domains. In: 10th Conference of The European Chapter of the Association for Conputational Linguistics. Workshop: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering EACL-2003, Budapest, Hungary, 2003 - 2003, 5-11.
Rinaldi, Fabio
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M; Elleman, J; Zarri, G P; Persidis, A; Bernard, L; Karanikas, H (2003). Multilayer annotations in Parmenides. In: K-CAP2003 workshop on, Sanibel, Florida, USA, October 2003 - October 2003.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M; Mollà Aliod, D; Schwitter, R; Kaljurand, K (2003). Knowledge-based Question Answering. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES-2003, Oxford, UK, September 2003.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M; Kaljurand, K; Persidis, A; Theodoulidis, B; Black, B; McNaught, J; Karanikas, H; Vasilakopoulos, A; Zervanou, K; Bernard, L; Zarri, G P; Bruins Slot, H; van der Touw, C; Daniel-King, M; Underwood, N; Lisowska, A; van der Plas, L; Sauron, V; Spiliopoulou, M; Brunzel, M; Elleman, J; Orphanos, G; Mavroudakis, T; Taraviras, S (2003). Parmenides: an opportunity for ISO TC37 SC4?.In: ACL-2003: Workshop on Linguistic Annotation: Getting the Model Right, Sapporo, Japan, July 2003 - July 2003, 38-45.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Kaljurand, K; Hess, M; Mollà Aliod, D (2003). Exploiting paraphrases in a question answering system. In: ACL-2003, Second International Workshop on Paraphrasing: Paraphrase Acquisition and Applications, Sapporo, Japan, July 2003 - July 2003, 25-32.
Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, J; Hess, M; Kaljurand, K; Karlsson, M (2003). The role of technical Terminology in Question Answering. In: Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, TIA-2003, Strasbourg, France, March 2003 - March 2003, 156-165.