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Clematide, S (2009). A morpho-syntactic generation service for German glossary entries. In: Clematide, S; Klenner, M; Volk, Martin. Searching Answers: Festschrift in Honour of Michael Hess on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Münster, Germany: Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 33-43.
De Coi, J L; Fuchs, N E; Kaljurand, K; Kuhn, T (2009). Controlled English for Reasoning on the Semantic Web. In: Bry, F; Maluszynski, J. Semantic Techniques for the Web: The REWERSE Perspective. Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 276-308.
Fuchs, N E
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Höfler, Stefan (2009). Modelling relevance-driven language evolution. In: Clematide, S; Klenner, M; Volk, Martin. Searching Answers: Festschrift in Honour of Michael Hess on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Münster, Germany: Monsenstein und und Vannerdat, 49-56.
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Kaljurand, K
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Mahlow, C
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Petrakis, S; Klenner, M; Ailloud, É; Fahrni, A (2009). Composition multilingue de sentiments. In: Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2009), Senlis, France, 24 Juni 2009 - 26 Juni 2009.
Piotrowski, M
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Rinaldi, Fabio
Rinaldi, Fabio; Schneider, G; Kaljurand, K; Clematide, S (2009). Effective Mining of Protein Interactions. In: Third international symposium on languages in biology and medecine (LBM 2009), Jeju Island, South Korea, 8 November 2009 - 10 November 2009, 115-118.
Rios, A; Göhring, A; Volk, Martin (2009). A Quechua-Spanish parallel treebank. In: 7th Conference on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Groningen, 2009.
Sennrich, Rico; Schneider, Gerold; Volk, Martin; Warin, Martin (2009). A New Hybrid Dependency Parser for German. In: Chiarcos, Christian; de Castilho, Richard Eckart; Stede, Manfred. Von der Form zur Bedeutung: Texte automatisch verarbeiten / From Form to Meaning: Processing Texts Automatically. Proceedings of the Biennial GSCL Conference 2009. Tübingen: Narr, 115-124.
Shiffman, R N
Shiffman, R N; Michel, G; Krauthammer, M; Fuchs, N E; Kaljurand, K; Kuhn, T (2009). Writing clinical practice guidelines in controlled natural language. In: Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2009), Marettimo, Italy, 8 June 2009 - 10 June 2009. Springer, 265-280.
Shiffman, R N; Michel, G; Krauthammer, M; Fuchs, N E; Kaljurand, K; Kuhn, T (2009). Controlled Natural Language for Clinical Practice Guidelines. In: Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2009), Marettimo, Italy, 8 June 2009 - 10 June 2009.