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Department of Computational Linguistics Language, Technology and Accessibility

Past Research Projects

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Intelligent Automatic Sign Language Translation (EASIER)

More about Intelligent Automatic Sign Language Translation (EASIER)

EASIER aims to create a framework for barrier-free communication among deaf and hearing citizens across Europe by enabling users of European sign languages to use their preferred language to interact with hearing individuals.

Three levels of simplified language: A1, A2, B1

Automatic text simplification with artificial intelligence for German (capito automated)

More about Automatic text simplification with artificial intelligence for German (capito automated)

In this project, together with CFS GmbH ("capito") in Graz, Austria, we worked on semi-automatic text simplification for German with the aim of producing simplified German at levels A1, A2, and B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The output of our neural machine translation models is postedited by human translators.

SMILE participants collage

Scalable Multimodal Sign Language Technology for Sign Language Learning and Assessment (SMILE I)

The goal of this project was to pioneer an assessment system for Swiss German Sign Language (Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache, DSGS) using automatic sign language recognition technology. To achieve this goal, the project used a multidisciplinary framework that followed two strands of research, one on sign language technology and one on sign assessment with a common link to sign language linguistics.

Mobile phone at a train station

Automatic Translation of German Train Announcements into Swiss German Sign Language (Trainslate)

More about Automatic Translation of German Train Announcements into Swiss German Sign Language (Trainslate)

In the Trainslate (=train+translate) project we developed a system that automatically translates German train announcements of the Swiss Federal Railways (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, SBB) into Swiss German Sign Language. The idea for such a system was suggested to us by Deaf signers in Switzerland.

Overview of sign language translation pipelines

Machine Translation and Animation Assessment for Swiss German Sign Language

This two-part project dealt with Swiss German Sign Language. The first part involved sign language machine translation, the second sign language animation assessment, i.e., the evaluation of virtual signers, or 'avatars'.