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Department of Computational Linguistics Digital Linguistics

Thyra Krosness

Thyra Krosness, B.A.

  • Digital Linguistics

About me

Hi, and welcome to my page!

I'm Thyra, Master's student in Psycholinguistics at the University of Zurich. I will in April 2025 begin working as a Research Assistant on the SNSF-funded project Text und Bild in Leichter Sprache at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz and the University of Zurich, which will transition into a PhD position in December 2025. Moreover, I'm the responsible researcher for the Swedish data collection for MultiplEYE COST Action.

How is my name pronounced? In English I introduce myself as [tajɹa], in my native Swedish I go by [ty:ɾa], but any variant in any language is accepted!



23-25.01.25 Trainer on The MultiplEYE Training School on Data Collection, University of Zagreb
HS24 TA in Quantitative Methods