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Department of Computational Linguistics Text Technologies

Gerold Schneider

Gerold Schneider, Prof. Dr.

  • Titulary Professor
+41 44 635 72 47
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Portrait and Research Interests

I am Titulary Professor and postdoc staff member in Computational Linguistics (CL) at the Department of Computational Linguistics, head of the NLP group in Linguistics Research Infrastructure (LiRI Tech NLP) and of the Text Crunching Center (TCC), which offers computational linguistics services to the University and other partners. 

I am a senior researcher in the URPP Digital Religion(s), in Project 8, where we advance hate speech detection tools, detect intolerance and apply content analysis methods on important social and religious issues.

I have been senior lecturer and computing scientist (wissenschaftlicher Informatiker) at the English Department of the University of Zurich (Gerold Schneider's homepage at the English Department).

My research interests include corpus linguistics, semantic mining, automated media content analysis, cognitive linguistics, digital humanities, robust parsing, syntax, formal grammar.

I am involved in research on automated media content analysis, and on Text Mining in the biomedical and many other domains. I am also doing research on Digital Humanities, learner language, variationist linguistics (genre, regions, contrastive, typology), and statistical methods.

I have published over 130 peer-reviewed articles and a coursebook on Statistics.

In the winter term 2017/18 I have worked as Substituting Professor for German Linguistics at TU Dortmund University.

I have worked at the linguistics department of University of Konstanz, substituting Prof. Dr. Miriam Butt from 2015 to 2017 as Professor of Computational and General Linguistics.

CV Gerold Schneider (PDF, 491 KB)

List of Publications (PDF, 363 KB)

Selected articles in bibliographical databases can be
 downloaded from ZORA

or downloaded from my Google Scholar profile 

or downloaded from PAX

or downloaded from DBLP

I co-supervise the following doctoral theses: Michi Amsler, Peter Makarov, Janis Goldzycher, Maud Reveilhac.

I have written my cumulative habilitation on using computational linguistics methods for descriptive linguistics, text mining and psycholinguistics

I have written a a low-complexity, broad-coverage probabilistic Dependency Parser for English,as a part of  

my doctoral thesis.

I have also ported it to German, together with Rico Sennrich.



My Recent Publications related to the Department of Computational Linguistics (ZORA)

ZORA Publication List

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My Recent Publications related to the English Department (ZORA)

ZORA Publication List

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Research Interests

My research interests iclude

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Robust Fast Broad-Coverage Parsing
  • Dependency Grammar
  • Text Mining, Information Extraction
  • Semantic Web
  • Information Retrieval
  • BioMedical Parsing Applications
  • Automated Media Content Analysis
  • Formal Grammar

My interests also include UNIX and Mac OS X system administration, Prolog and Perl programming, desktop publishing, travelling, literature, jogging and cycling. I have taught Prolog, theoretical computing science, and semantic web at Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (Swiss distance learning UAS). I have taught Prolog and Perl at the CL department of the University of Geneva.

Dependency Grammar and Robust Parsing

I have written a low-complexity, broad-coverage probabilistic Dependency Parser for English, Pro3Gres, as part of my doctoral thesis.

I have written my Master's Paper on Dependency Grammar and the partly dependency-based Link Grammar. I am currently developing Pro3Gres: a robust, probabilistic parser for a Dependency Grammar. In winter 2003/2004 and winter 2005/2006 I am teaching Dependency Grammar Parsing. In winter 2006/2007/2014 I am teaching Parsing Technology.

Corpus Linguistics

Both the English Seminar and the Department of Computational Linguistics have a long tradition in Corpus Linguistics research. I am a member of the Archer consortium. At the English Department, I am involved in the compilation of and web interface access to several corpora. In summer 2003, I teach a seminar on Corpus Linguistics. In summer 2006, I teach a colloquium on Corpus Linguistics. In spring 2008, I teach a lecture on Corpus Linguistics, together with Fabio Rinaldi. In spring 2008, I teach the workshop at the ICAME conference, together with Hans Martin Lehmann and Nelleke Oostdjik. In autumn 2012, I teach a BA seminar on Corpus Linguistics.

BioMedical Parsing and Relation Finding

Our research on an important application of my high-precision robust parser has started in 2005, and is an NFS project from 2008 to 2013. OntoGene: Relation Finding in the BioMedical domain.

Automated Media Content Analysis

We are using parsing and Opinion Mining in Automated Media Content Analysis projects. I am leader of subproject I.6 in the Swiss NCCR democracy project and part of the scientific network of the European ERC project POLCON.


I have worked in the European Semantic Web project REWERSE, from 2004 to 2005, in the controlled language and semantics project Attempto.

Information Retrieval

From 2000 to 2004, I have worked in an unsupervised text classification project at the CL department of the University of Geneva

Question Answering

From 1999 to 2000 I have worked in the ExtrAns Project in Zurich.

Formal Grammars

Since the winter term 1999/2000 I sometimes teach the syntax course of the Zurich CL curriculum. We focus on GB, LFG and HPSG.