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Department of Computational Linguistics Text Technologies

Rico Sennrich

Rico Sennrich, Prof. Dr.

  • SNSF Professor
+41 44 63 57131
Room number
I am an SNSF Professor at the University of Zurich working on natural language processing, with a special focus on machine translation and deep learning. My SNSF project focuses on better natural language understanding with multilingual resources and multi-task learning.
I am also a Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, and an ELLIS Fellow. I am action editor for Computational Linguistics and ACL Rolling Review, and standing reviewer for TACL. I regularly serve as area chair at main conferences in the field, most recently as senior area chair for ACL 2025.


  • 2024: I have been appointed Associate Professor at the University of Zurich, with a start date of February 2026.
  • 2023: work emerging from the Ten Years of BabelNet Workshop in Rome on the Meaning of Superhuman Performance in Today’s NLU received an ACL outstanding paper award.
  • 2023: honoured to be part of large effort NusaX, which received an EACL outstanding paper award.
  • 2023: congratulations to Biao Zhang for receiving the 2022 EAMT Best Thesis Award!
  • 2023: 1 paper accepted to ICLR; 3 to EACL. [1] [2]. More pre-prints to follow.
  • 2022: My SNSF Professorship has been extended for 2 years.
  • 2021: watch my inaugural lecture (in German) here.
  • 2021: congratulations to Jannis Vamvas for receiving the BlackboxNLP 2021 best paper award for his paper On the Limits of Minimal Pairs in Contrastive Evaluation.
  • 2021: 5 papers accepted to EMNLP main conference, 1 to Findings. Congratulations to Jannis Vamvas, Jiaoda Li, Biao Zhang, Lena Voita, Denis Emelin, Chantal Amrhein, and all co-authors. [1] [2] [3] Other pre-prints coming soon.
  • 2021: 3 papers accepted to ACL main conference, 1 to Findings. Congratulations to Mathias Müller, Biao Zhang, Lena Voita, and all co-authors. [1] [2] [3] Other pre-prints coming soon.
  • 2020: 2 papers accepted to EMNLP main conference, 2 to Findings. Congratulations to Denis Emelin, Jonathan Mallinson, Chantal Amrhein, Biao Zhang, and all co-authors. Pre-prints coming soon.
  • 2020: introducing x-stance, a new dataset released for multilingual multi-target stance detection. Check out the paper, the dataset, blog post and video (winner of SwissText + KONVENS Best Video Award).
  • 2020: 3 papers accepted to ACL. Congratulations to Biao Zhang, Chaojun Wang, Alham Fikri Aji, and all co-authors.
  • 2019: congratulations to Biao Zhang. Paper on root mean square layer normalization accepted to NeurIPS 2019.
  • 2019: 4 papers accepted to EMNLP 2019. Congratulations to Elena Voita, Biao Zhang, Gongbo Tang, and all co-authors.
  • 2019: I moved to the University of Zurich to take up an SNSF Professorship
  • 2019: congratulations to Elena Voita, Biao Zhang, and all co-authors: 4 papers accepted to ACL 2019.
  • 2019: I have an open postdoc researcher position at the University of Zurich (now filled).

Prospective interns and visitors

I do not currently have any openings for internships. Please do not send me an unsolicited application.

Weiterführende Informationen

@RicoSennrich on Bluesky

  • Congratulations to Dr., who just successfully defended his thesis on "Leveraging Data, Decoding, and Context for Controlling Text Generation from Pretrained Language Models". Special thanks to the external examiner!

  • Call for volunteers for #ACL2025 programme committee. You can self-nominate as a reviewer or area chair via this form: I'm especially grateful for volunteers in the area of machine translation.

  • Hello world! Checking if the grass is greener (the sky is bluer?) on the other side...