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Shared tasks are a good means to collaborate with other researchers, they let students work on a defined task in a competitive way, and generally assess the methodological competences in solving practical problems. From 2017 to 2022, we had several successful shared task participations and helped to co-organized shared tasks as well:
Seminars and colloquia : FS 2015: Crowd-sourcing für Sprachtechnologie
HS 2013: Modernes Information Retrieval und Computerlinguistik
(involved as an assistant: SS 2005, SS 2003, SS 2201, SS 2000, WS2000)
Further education: Lectures on Computational Linguistics and Text Mining in MAS "Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft" and DAS Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien
See my ORC-ID page for references.
The following list is generated from the Zurich Open Access Repository and contains all publications up to 2021 (most of them in full text):