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Department of Computational Linguistics Text Technologies


Full Title: Automated detection of adverse drug events from older inpatients’ electronic medical records using structured data mining and natural language processing
Acronym: SwissMade (Swiss Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions)
Context: This project is part of the National Research Programme (NRP) 74, "Smarter Health Care". It is a collaboration with five Swiss Hospitals. The goal is to use NLP techniques and data mining in order to extract useful information from electronic medical records. 

More details can be found here (in French).

Duration: 2017-2020
Funding: 602‘560 CHF (total). Funding for our group: 102'000 CHF.
Principal investigators: Dr. 
Chantal Csajka, CHUV, Lausanne
Collaborators: Dr. Christian Lovis (HUG), Dr. Patrick Beeler (USZ), Dr. Marie-Annick Le Pogam (CHUV), Dr. Pierre-Olivier Lang (CHUV), Dr. Monika Lutters (Baden), 
Dr. Monika Lutters (Baden), Dr. Fabio Rinaldi (UZH), Dr. Bernard Burnard (CHUV), Dr. Nicole Vogt-Ferrier (HUG),  Dr. Alex Gnaegi (Spital Wallis).