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In the IMAGINE project, we investigate the IMpact of Automatic Languagee Generation on Linguistic INtuition and Language Evolution.
IMAGINE is part of the NCCR project Evolving Language: it is the UZH side of the CompuLang Work Package within the Digitisation Project under the Theme 3: Social Cognition of Language. The Digitisation project focuses on the future of language. It explores the impact of language technology and artificial languages on human linguistic intuitions, mental representations and speech output.
In IMAGINE, we aim to measure the impact of machine translated output and other automatically generated texts on the natural language.
Anastassia Shaitarova
Anne Göhring
We are also active members of the COST Action network LITHME: Language in the human-machine era.
This project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and runs from 2021 to 2024.