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Läubli, Samuel, Patrick Simianer, Joern Wuebker, Geza Kovacs, Rico Sennrich, and Spence Green. In print. The Impact of Text Presentation on Translator Performance. To appear in Target (preprint).
Läubli, Samuel and Lukas Fischer. 2020. What’s the Difference Between Professional Human and Machine Translation? A Blind Multi-language Study on Domain-specific MT. In Proceedings of EAMT, pages 215–224.
Läubli, Samuel, Sheila Castilho, Graham Neubig, Rico Sennrich, Qinlan Shen, and Antonio Toral. 2020. A Set of Recommendations for Assessing Human–Machine Parity in Language Translation. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 67:653–672.
Läubli, Samuel, Chantal Amrhein, Patrick Düggelin, Beatriz Gonzalez, Alena Zwahlen, and Martin Volk. 2019. Post-editing Productivity with Neural Machine Translation: An Empirical Assessment of Speed and Quality in the Banking and Finance Domain. In Proceedings of MT Summit XVII, pages 267–272, Dublin, Ireland.
Press coverage:
Läubli, Samuel and Spence Green. 2019. Translation technology research and human–computer interaction. In Minako O'Hagan, editor, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology, Routledge, London, UK, chapter 22.
Läubli, Samuel, Rico Sennrich, and Martin Volk. 2018. Has Machine Translation Achieved Human Parity? A Case for Document-level Evaluation. In Proceedings of EMNLP, pages 4791–4796, Brussels, Belgium. Video recording (talk).
Press coverage:
Läubli, Samuel, Mathias Müller, Beat Horat, and Martin Volk. 2018. mtrain: A Convenience Tool for Machine Translation. In Proceedings of EAMT, page 357, Alacant, Spain.
Läubli, Samuel and David Orrego-Carmona. 2017. When Google Translate is better than Some Human Colleagues, those People are no longer Colleagues. In Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Translating and the Computer, pages 59–69, London, UK.
Nematus: a Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation. In Proceedings of EACL, pages 65–68, Valencia, Spain.
, , , , , , , , , , and . 2017.Automatic TM Cleaning through MT and POS Tagging: Autodesk's Submission to the NLP4TM 2016 Shared Task. arXiv preprint, arXiv:1104.2086.
, , and . 2016.Statistical Modelling and Automatic Tagging of Human Translation Processes. In M. Carl, S. Bangalore, and M. Schaeffer, editors, New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research: Exploring the CRITT TPR-DB, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pages 155–181.
and . 2016.Assessing Post-Editing Efficiency in a Realistic Translation Environment. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice (WPTP2), pages 83–91, Nice, France.
, , , , and . 2013.Statistical Machine Translation for Automobile Marketing Texts. In Proceedings of MT Summit, pages 265–272, Nice, France.
, , , and . 2013.Combining Statistical Machine Translation and Translation Memories with Domain Adaptation. In Proceedings of NODALIDA, pages 331–341, Oslo, Norway.
, , , and . 2013.Sentiment Analysis for Media Reputation Research. In Proceedings of KONVENS 2012 (PATHOS 2012 workshop), pages 274–281, Vienna, Austria.
, , , and . 2012.Towards mapping of alpine route descriptions. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, pages 15–16, Zurich, Switzerland.
, , and . 2010.
parity with professional human translation? The impact of document-level context
on quality evaluation and translator performance. Invited Seminar at European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation. Online.
Lilt. Online.
. 09.12.2020. The Impact of Text Presentation on Human MT Evaluation and Translator Productivity. Invited Talk atGoogle Research. Online.
. 10.11.2020. Human–Machine Parity in Language Translation? A set of recommendations for evaluating strong MT systems. Invited Talk atwebinar. Online.
. 10.09.2020. Integration of Prior Knowledge into Neural Machine Translation. European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (EUATC)3. Internationalen Fachkonferenz des Bundesverbands für Dolmetscher und Übersetzer (BDÜ). Bonn, Germany.
. 23.11.2019. Erreicht Neuronale Maschinelle Übersetzung die Qualität von professioneller Humanübersetzung? Eingeladener Workshop an derÜbersetzertag des Deutschen Übersetzerfonds. Berlin, Germany.
. 01.11.2019. Hype oder Zukunftsrealität? Drei Gründe, warum wir Maschinelle Übersetzung nicht unterschätzen sollten. Eingeladener Eröffnungsvortrag amPress coverage:
Neural Machine Translation for Increased Human Translation Efficiency at Migros Bank. Talk at SwissText 2019. Winterthur, Switzerland.
. 18.06.2019.
die Qualität von professioneller Humanübersetzung? Keynote am 6. Netzwerktreffen der Hochschulübersetzer/innen. Mannheim, Germany.
Österreichischen Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen. Vienna (15.03.2019), Graz (18.03.2019), and Innsbruck (08.11.2019), Austria.
. Neuronale Maschinelle Übersetzung und Post-Editing. Eingeladenes Seminar beim. 4.12.2018. Neural Machine Translation and Post-Editing. Invited seminar at the German Translation Unit, Directorate-General for Translation, European Parliament. Luxembourg.
. 29.11.2018. Neural Machine Translation: Are Professional Translators Still Needed? Invited talk in the ETH Seminar on Advanced Topics in History and Theory of Architecture – Translation Studies in Theory and Practice. Zurich, Switzerland.
Erreicht Neuronale Maschinelle Übersetzung
die Qualität von professioneller Humanübersetzung? Eingeladener Vortrag an der Jahrestagung des Schweizerischen Übersetzer-, Terminologen- und Dolmetscherverbands (ASTTI). Bern, Switzerland.
3 Reasons Why Neural Machine Translation is a Breakthrough. Invited keynote at SlatorCon Zurich (press, video). Zurich, Switzerland.
. 5.12.2017.Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies (CTIS) seminar series, University of Manchester. Manchester, UK.
. 30.11.2017. Post-editing in Theory and Practice. Invited talk in the8th Annual International Translation Conference (TII 2017), Doha, Quatar.
. 27.03.2017. Beyond Post-editing: the Future of Computer-aided Translation. Presented at thePost-editing of Machine Translation in Practice: Is it the Way Forward? Invited talk at the University of Tartu, Estonia (26.10.2016) and University of Helsinki, Finland (27.10.2016).
.Data, not Systems: A Better Way to Conduct the Business of Translation. Invited talk at the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories (NLP4TM 2016), Portorož, Slovenia.
. 28.05.2016.Linking Primary Texts to Electronic Dictionaries. Presented at the COST Workshop on Connecting Textual Corpora and Dictionaries (Working Group 3), Kraków, Poland.
, , and . 26.04.2013.Phoenix2 – A Tool for Web-Based Annotation of Medieval Texts. Presented at the COST Workshop on Connecting Textual Corpora and Dictionaries (Working Group 3), Kraków, Poland.
and . 26.04.2013.Semantic Representation of Events in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Presented at the Conference on Semantics in Healthcare and Life Sciences (CSHALS) 2011, Cambridge/Boston, USA.
, , and . 24.02.2011.